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How to Store Stamp / Die Combos

Have you ever wasted hours of crafting time searching for the exact stamp or die your wanting? Effective storage can be a challenge for all crafters and by effective I mean “being able to put my hands on it when I want it” effective. For years I fought with different ways of trying to store my stamps with matching dies. Nothing seemed to work for all my stamp/die combos. A few years ago, I stumbled upon a method that really works. You can get started with a just a few easy to find materials.

Material List:

  • Plastic container (I bought mine at Michael’s)
  • Plastic index dividers (from Wal-mart)
  • Adhesive backed magnetic sheets (from Wal-mart)
  • Labels
  • Clear packing tape
  • White paint pen

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Step 1: Prepare the Index Cards

  • Snip off the tab of each Index divider
  • apply 1/2 of a magnetic sheet to each plastic index card

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  • Add the dies onto the magnetic index card
  • trace each die with the white paint pen
  • Label the index card with the name of the coordinating stamp set

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Step 2: Prepare the small plastic container:

Once I’ve accumulated enough stamp/die sets from a particular company to fill one small container (usually 4 to 5 sets) I prepare a small container for permanent storage.

I stack them in the container with a magnetic index card, then the matching stamp set, then the next die card and so on. Sometimes I have to trim the plastic around the stamps to make them fit, but most companies come on a 4 x 6 card or smaller so they fit perfectly.

Once I’ve filled a small plastic container I label it.  I will label the top edge with a key word for each stamp set inside. I always cover all my labels with clear packing tape so they will last longer. I then label the top of the container with the name of the company and the proper name for each stamp set inside.

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Step 3: Prepare the large plastic container

I like to store my stamp/die combo’s by company. I tend to remember if the stamp I’m looking for is Heartfelt, Stamps of Life, Lawn Fawn, etc. You should store your’s however you identify them most. I keep a large plastic container for each company and label them accordingly.

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I keep all the large containers on a shelf that makes it easy for me to see exactly which one I am wanting. No more wasting time looking for the stamp or die I think I might have. Now they are all organized and quick to find.

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With Companies like Heartfelt Creations that have large collections of stamp/die sets. I keep all the dies in one small container and all rubber stamps in another. I label them and keep all of them in the same large container.

Additional benefits:

An added bonus to storing your stamp/die combos in this manner is if you want to take some sets with you on a crop or a retreat, it is easy to just grab the containers you want to work with and go. They travel safely and are kept together so nothing is damaged or lost.

Final note:

Most of the supplies for this are relatively inexpensive, however the plastic containers can be pricey. (usually around $40). So keep all those 40% and 50% off coupons from Michael’s. You can pick them up for half the price. Also keep an eye on Michael’s sales, they often run craft storage on discount.

If you have struggled with storing your stamp/die combos in an effective manner, you may want to give this a try.

Thanks so much for stopping by and Happy Crafting!

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